Kevin Barry Division #3 Historical Committee Decorates Gravesites
On Memorial Day weekend Saturday, May 25th, the Kevin Barry History Committee tended to the monument they dedicated in 2000 to the 1st Irish Regiment of Indiana, the 35th Indiana Infantry. The pictured members placed Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Memorial Flag markers, with the Irish National Flag, on the graves of ten fallen members of the 1st Irish Regiment. In addition to the gravesites, volunteers also cleaned up and decorated the memorial.

Kevin Barry Division #3 Historian Kevin Murray coordinated the project which began in October 2023 by locating the gravesites at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Indianapolis. It is believed that more than 200 other Irish soldiers are buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, many in unmarked graves. Kevin’s great-great grandfather was a member of the 1st Irish and died from wounds received on January 1, 1863, in the Battle of Stones River. The Kevin Barry History Committee plans to locate and mark as many graves as possible over the next year.