AOH at Indy Irish Fest 2021

We are excited to announce that there will be a 2021 Irish Festival in Garfield Park! The Irish Fest will be held September 24th and 25th, and as in previous years we will be able to have a tent.



Adult tickets are $10 for age 15 and up. Children 14 and under are free.

PARKING: There are several free parking lots located around Garfield Park as well as street parking. Please be courteous of the residents if you park in a residential area.

Secure your best route to Garfield Park by searching for Garfield Park MacAllister Amphitheatre or this address, 2450 Conservatory Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46203, on your favorite map app. If you are not driving, we suggest Lyft, Uber, IndyGo Red Line, or bike. We will have bicycle parking inside the Festival gates.



For complete details on Indy Irish Fest, visit


If you are able, we would appreciate it if you could spare a few hours to help volunteer. All volunteers will get in for free to the Irish Fest! Use the link below to sign up for a spot!

If you are unable to volunteer your time, but are looking to help out we could use:

  • an extra grill
  • popcorn machine

If you know anyone willing to part with one of those for a weekend, please let us know. For any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.



Daniel McNelis
Standing Committee Chair