Our 2019 Hibernian Of the Year is Joe Cahill. This prestigious award was established long ago to recognize an active AOH member who has contributed much of his time and talents to the growth and stability of the Kevin Barry Division.
Joe’s Irish family heritage can be traced back to County Kerry, Ireland. Both Joe’s grandfather, Thomas, and his grandmother, Margaret Costello, grew up in Ballybunion near Listowel. Ironically they did not meet each other until they settled in the United States in the late 1800’s. In search of work with the desire and determination to live the American dream, they left their homes in County Kerry but never abandoned their Irish roots.
Thomas was a laborer at a local Indianapolis railroad freight house when he met his wife Margaret. Although they were immigrants in the new world of America, they maintained their Irish Catholic culture and values. As poor immigrants, they relied on their faith to assist them in facing hardship without despair. While contributing to the melting pot of America, Thomas served as one of the early members of St. John The Evangelist Church in Indianapolis. To this day his church maintains the mission of providing worshipers a place “where Heritage and Hope meet.”

It was Joe’s dad, Edward Cahill, who gave Joe an appreciation for his Irish heritage. Eddie grew up on the near Southside of Indianapolis where he met the love of his life, Emaline Volz. After a long courtship they married, settled down in the Southside and became founding members of St. Roch Parish. Joe was the youngest of the four Cahill children…James, Jerome, Marianne, and Joe. Joe was born the same day his oldest brother Jim graduated from Sacred Heart High School. Joe’s dad proudly announced to everyone as the graduates processed out of church that he had a new baby brother. Throughout their life Edward and Emaline practiced their faith and remained devout to their Irish Catholic heritage.
Much like his parents and grandparents Joe met and married the love of his life, Lucy Ritter, while continuing the family tradition. Joe and Lucy have been married nearly 49 years. They established themselves on the Northside of Indianapolis and have been active members
of St. Luke Catholic Church, raising their children in the same manner as their parents and grandparents.
This past summer Lucy and Joe were able to take all their children–Emily, Patrick & Michael, their spouses Jeff, Kristen & Trisha, and grandchildren Ethan, Keira & Lucas to Ireland. Among the highlights was a visit to the grave of Kevin Barry in Glasnevin Cemetery and two castles – Slane Castle and Ashford Castle. Many memories were made as they renewed friendships with cousins there.
Since retiring from his longtime career work at Eli Lilly, Joe continues to give of his time and talent throughout the Irish Catholic community. He also loves to spend quality time with family and friends in St. Joe Michigan. For the past several years Joe held two offices with the AOH. Three years as our Marshall and now as Financial Secretary. Upon receiving the award Joe stated it is a true blessing to be Irish but quite the honor to be Hibernian.
Congratulations Joe!