All members of our community are invited to encourage their children, grandchildren, family members and friends to apply for the Denis Moriarty AOH Scholarship , the Katie White AOH Scholarship and the Hibernian Kehoe Scholarship . The criteria are listed below.
Denis Moriarty AOH Scholarship
Katie White AOH Scholarship
Hibernian Kehoe Scholarship
Purpose: Help worthy students obtain a College Education
Amount: $1,500.00 for each Scholarship
Eligibility: High school seniors entering college
One student will be awarded the Denis Moriarty AOH Scholarship, one student will be awarded the Katie White AOH Scholarship and one student will be awarded the Hibernian Kehoe Scholarship.
Criteria: Financial need, scholastic achievement, extracurricular activities, Irish heritage and involvement in church, community and Irish culture.
Application: By letter, written by student , addressed to the Hibernian Scholarship Committee. The letter must be received by Saturday, February 10, 2018.The letter should be no more than three typed pages in length. The letter must contain a contact phone number.
The recipient will be notified prior to the Hibernians’ St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, and the award presented at the celebration on March 11, 2018. The recipient must be present at the Celebration.
Please send applications or refer questions to:
Patrick Miles
1911 Southern Ave. Beech Grove, In.
46107 317-783-9441 Pdm5000 @